Why is Handwriting Important

Why is Handwriting Important

Why is Handwriting Important? It is important because it helps set you up for success!

Why is handwriting important? With today’s technological advancements, we may wonder if teaching our kids proper penmanship is necessary. Clearly, it seems like it is an archaic skill. However, after much research, I have discovered teaching kids to write by hand is extremely important. For instance, writing by hand is linked to better reading, writing, and overall learning.

Therefore, I am going to create a series of blogs that goes into the ins and outs of handwriting and how to help your child if you suspect dysgraphia or just want to make sure to encourage the proper habits to be formed from the start. 

Now, we are just going to focus on WHY handwriting is important.

Why is Handwriting Important?

It Helps Develop Cognitive Skills

Being able to form letters properly allows for higher cognitive functioning to take place—for example, planning, spatial awareness, focus, sequential order, etc. Developing proper handwriting skills allows for neural pathways to form and will be a stepping stone to learning more complex systems and ideas in the future.

Handwriting plays a crucial role in the development of various cognitive skills. The fine motor skills required for precise hand movements and the coordination between hand and eye contribute to the enhancement of dexterity and spatial awareness. The act of forming letters engages visual perception and memory, promoting better retention of information compared to typing. Additionally, the cognitive processing involved in handwriting activates the brain differently, fostering attention to detail, sequential processing, and emotional integration. While the digital age has introduced alternative methods of communication, the cognitive benefits of handwriting remain significant, particularly in early education, where it aids in the holistic development of cognitive abilities essential for various aspects of life.

Similarly, a person develops Fine Motor Skills while learning to write. It involves the coordination of small muscles in the hands and fingers. Developing fine motor skills can help with other tasks, such as buttoning and tying shoes. Overall, these skills are needed in everyday life scenarios.

Why is Handwriting Important?

It Is Correlated with Reading Fluency

Furthermore, it is highly important that your child learns to write properly and efficiently because, according to Peterson Handwriting, there is a high correlation between students who can write 40 letters correctly in a minute to their reading fluency.

Of course, we cannot be 100% sure why this is a reality. However, we DO see the results with our students. Definitely, our primary students. As for me, I think it is because the skills required for reading are similar to the ones for handwriting. These skills both rely on multiple processes in the brain, which complement each other well.

Handwriting and reading fluency share a symbiotic relationship, with handwriting serving as a foundational skill that influences the development of efficient reading. The fine motor skills and hand-eye coordination involved in handwriting contribute to letter recognition and formation, laying the groundwork for reading proficiency. As children learn to write, they simultaneously enhance their understanding of letters, shapes, and spatial relationships, which are integral components of reading. The kinesthetic experience of forming letters by hand enhances memory retention, aiding in the recognition and recall of words during reading activities. Therefore, a strong foundation in handwriting not only supports literacy development but also plays a pivotal role in fostering reading fluency and comprehension.

I’d say that since many structured linguistic literacy programs teach kids to say the sounds as they write each word, it creates a multisensory experience that will result in multiple outcomes.

Why is Handwriting Important?

Writing by Hand Bolsters Memory

In college, I had a professor share that research shows that writing by hand is better than typing or listening to a lecture. I remember her sharing that it was partially because writing by hand limits distractions. You don’t have different tabs opened or notifications going off when writing with paper and pencil.

Writing notes by hand has been shown to enhance memory through various cognitive mechanisms. The physical act of manually transcribing information engages different regions of the brain compared to typing, leading to improved retention. The process of forming letters and words by hand involves fine motor skills and hand-eye coordination, reinforcing the learning experience. Additionally, the deliberate and slower pace of handwriting allows for better encoding of information into memory, as it requires more conscious engagement with the material. The tactile sensation and sensory feedback associated with writing by hand create a multisensory experience, further solidifying the memory traces. Overall, the combination of motor skills, cognitive engagement, and sensory input during handwritten note-taking contributes to a more effective encoding of information, resulting in enhanced memory recall.

Why is Handwriting Important

Is the foundation for writing meaningful text

Efficient handwriting skills contribute significantly to academic success by facilitating streamlined and effective communication of ideas. A student with proficient handwriting can express thoughts more quickly, allowing for better note-taking during lectures and faster completion of assignments. Legible and organized handwritten notes enhance comprehension, aiding in the retention of information. Moreover, efficient handwriting is closely tied to improved reading fluency, as the recognition of handwritten letters and words becomes quicker and more automatic. This proficiency in written communication extends to exams, where the ability to express ideas legibly and coherently can positively impact grades. Overall, efficient handwriting skills enable students to navigate academic tasks with greater ease, enhancing their overall academic performance and success.

Summary of Why is Handwriting Important

As we educate our kids, we should not neglect teaching them how to write properly. Writing properly can increase cognitive development, reading fluency, learning, and academic skills.

Have you seen the Documentary “The Truth About Reading”? It is a very eye-opening account of the reasons literacy levels are so low. I was amazed about how many successful are out there but are only reading at a second-grade level or so.

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